Year: 2010 (Page 1 of 70)

Bug of the Week: Solar Butterflies

We went to the Desert Botanical Garden this week.

I didn’t find many insects, but there were some butterflies.

All were like this blue, sitting in the sun with their wings outstretched between bouts of flying.

This male queen butterfly was sunning in a mesquite tree.

The butterflies reminded me of solar collectors with their panels directed to catch the sun.

Bees like this honey bee have another strategy to keep warm on cold days. Do you know what it is?

This little guy was using the strategy of puffing up his fur to trap air inside.

Which strategies do you use to keep warm on a cold day?

Seed of the Week: Coral Bean

The mystery seeds from last week were from the coral bean, Erythrina flabelliformis.This particular species grows in the desert Southwest.

There are several coral bean species that grow throughout the world, but they have one thing in common:  the bright red seeds are poisonous.

I don’t have any photographs of the plant, but Firefly Forest has a nice summary. The flowers are also brilliant red.

Seed of the Week will resume next Tuesday.

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