Ready to find out what the mystery seed of week 7 was?
It was the seed of the northern catalpa, Catalpa speciosa.
These trees have big, heart-shaped leaves.
They are often grown for their big showy flowers.
Here’s a better look:
I believe there are a few southern catalpas (Catalpa bignonioides) in Arizona, but the northern catalpas from the photographs above are from upstate New York and Pennsylvania.
We have a tree that belongs to the same family growing in our yard, but that will be for another time.
I haven’t seen catalpas in years. We used to have them in Dallas, but I haven’t seen them in so long.
We had one in our yard when I was a child. Catalpas always remind me of home 🙂
We have a capalta tree it’s huge and verry beautiful.
That is great to hear. The flowers are amazing.