Author: Roberta (Page 475 of 561)

Seed of the Week: Mystery Seed

Seeds come in a wonderful variety of colors, sizes and shapes. I am thinking of adding a Seed of the Week series on Tuesdays, occasionally making them a mystery like I do with the Bug of the Week.

Any idea what kind of plant these seeds comes from?

What do you think? Do you like seeds too?

Edit: Check the answer here.

Science Link Potpourri

Today I’ve decided to clear my desk of a few updates and interesting science-related links.

First of all, DNLee has the Diversity in Science Carnival #4 – Increasing Diversity Among the College Ranks up at Urban Science Adventures(c). DNLee has put together a thought-provoking carnival, and if you are interested in science as a potential career or have a child/student who dreams of becoming a scientist, you should check it out.

In a totally different vein, I found three awesome ideas for using fall leaves at 5 Orange Potatoes. The first is laminating leaves to make leaf rubbing plates. The second is a game called odd leaf out. The third is making polka dot leaves.

Finally, recycling by making paper has long been one of our favorite activities. We found this documentary about origami ties together our favorite topics of art and science, with some incredible math thrown in as well.

Here is the official trailer for the documentary:

This trailer shows how one artist makes his own paper and then folds origami with it before it is even completely dry.

Check this Independent Lens link for screening locations.

The DVD will be coming out soon.

Hope you have an enjoyable week!

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