Category: Biology (Page 21 of 40)

Beach Science for World Oceans Day

Did you know that it is World Oceans Day today? To celebrate, let’s take a look at picture book, Your Senses at the Beach by Kimberly Marie Hutmacher.

“Get ready to feel
the warm sand
and smell the salty air
Today we’ll use our
five senses at the beach.”

Your Senses at the Beach would be a good choice for a child who is going to the beach for the first time and isn’t sure what to expect. Reading it would introduce some of the sights, sounds and smells that they might experience. It also works well for encouraging children to explore the beach more fully while learning about their senses. Finally, it would be a great way to relive the memories of a special trip to the beach.

What would you see, hear, smell, touch and taste at the beach? Maybe this video from the World Oceans Day will help give you some ideas.

If you would like more ideas about ocean and beach-related activities, explore these previous posts from Growing With Science:

Learn about Steller Sea Lions

Investigate an animal (sea slug) that can make its own food

Sea Horses and Other Fish

Shore Birds

Tide Pool Invertebrates

Experiments with movement of floating trash

Sand Experiments

Reading level: Ages 4 and up (First Grade)
Library Binding: 24 pages
Publisher: Capstone Press (August 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1429666633
ISBN-13: 978-1429666633

Book was provided by publisher for review purposes.

Come visit the new STEM Friday blog each week to find more great Science, Technology, Engineering and Math books.

Weekend Science Fun: Whose Egg Is This?

Our science activities today are inspired by a lively guessing book, Whose Egg Is This? by Lisa J. Amstutz.

The premise of the book is to guess who laid the eggs in the large, colorful photograph on the left page by matching them with one of the four animals in photographs on the right page. Fortunately, each page comes with plenty of helpful hints, so even if the child doesn’t recognize the egg, he or she will likely be able to figure it out. Answers are also provided in the back.

This is a great format for a children’s book. It encourages children to observe closely and it engages their curiosity. It is fast-paced and fun. It is sure to inspire more activities and experiments like these:

Activity 1. Who is oviparous?

Oviparous means an animal that lays eggs. (Technically, lays eggs without further development of the embryo while it is in the mother.)

Brainstorm to create a list of different animal groups with egg-laying females.

Birds are probably the first to come to mind. They are the only animal group where all the members lay eggs.

What other vertebrates lay eggs?

What about

  • reptiles?
  • amphibians?
  • fish?

Can you find any exceptions, like snakes that give birth rather than lay eggs?

Turtles and tortoises lay eggs.

What about mammals? Mammals that lay eggs are in the group called monotremes, which include the platypus and echidnas.

Do any invertebrates lay eggs?

At least some species of

  • Insects
  • Spiders
  • Crustaceans, like lobsters
  • Some molluscs, like snails
  • Flatworms
  • Earthworms
  • etc.

Can you think of any others?

Activity 2. Compare and contrast the eggs of various animals.

Look at photographs of different types of eggs.

How are eggs that are laid in the water different from those laid on land?

Are all eggs covered with a hard, rigid shell?

Are they all the same size?

What about color?

Do you know whose eggs were in the photographs? (Answers at bottom of post).

3. Investigate egg anatomy

Surprisingly, an egg can be quite complex inside. There are multiple layers and structures.

(Illustration by Horst Frank at Wikimedia)

Schematic of a chicken egg:
1.    Eggshell
2.    Outer membrane
3.    Inner membrane
4.    Chalaza
5.    Exterior albumen (outer thin albumen)
6.    Middle albumen (inner thick albumen)
7.    Vitelline membrane
8.    Nucleus of pander
9.    Germinal disk (blastoderm)
10.    Yellow yolk
11.    White yolk
12.    Internal albumen
13.    Chalaza
14.    Air cell
15.    Cuticula

The Exploratorium has a series of egg-vestigations for looking inside an egg, including

4. The Color of Bird Eggs – In the News

Birds eggs come is an astonishing array of colors.

Poster of bird eggs – (Note:  This poster does have stylistic diagram of a bird’s internal reproductive organs, in case you aren’t ready to go there )

Scientists have begun to realize that the color of bird eggs may be about more than just camouflage and there has been a recent burst of studies examining various aspects of color and speckling patterns.

For example, speckling may add structural support to the shell and as well as protection from direct exposure to the sun. The speckles may protect against ultraviolet rays while allowing enough light it so the chick inside can adjust its internal clock. Or the speckles may absorb heat and help maintain temperatures when the incubating parents are away from the nest.

Ornithologists (scientists that study birds) have found that species that are the target of nest parasites, like cowbirds, are sometimes better able to recognize the color patterns of their own eggs than species that aren’t as susceptible.

It seems likely that how egg color works will differ between different species of birds and may serve more than one purpose. Sounds like some great potential for science fair projects.

To study bird egg speckles with youngsters, try this craft to make artificial speckled eggs. See if eggs with speckles or without are easier to find when hidden in the grass.

If you are interested in participating in a citizen science project, Caren Cooper put out a call for photographs of the eggs in house sparrow nests last year. The speckling of house sparrow eggs varies quite a bit. The instructions ask that you include  a white piece of paper and a penny in the photograph for scale.


Wired magazine has a popular science article “Debate Over Purpose of Bird-Egg Coloration Continues

For a scientific review, see CHERRY, M. I. and GOSLER, A. G. (2010), Avian eggshell coloration: new perspectives on adaptive explanations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 100: 753–762. available online

If you have early elementary-aged children, be sure to take a look at Whose Egg Is This? by Lisa J. Amstutz.

Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Capstone Press (January 1, 2012)
ISBN-10: 1429678542
ISBN-13: 978-1429678544

This book was provided by the publisher for review purposes.

(Affiliate link)

(The eggs in photographs are frog eggs and snail eggs.)

Giant Squid Invades STEM Friday

Today Growing with Science is hosting STEM Friday, the meme that highlights recently released Science, Technology, Engineering and Math books for children (as well as older favorites). The STEM Friday book meme has been ongoing for a year, but now you can find it in one place each week – at the new STEM Friday blog. You should go check it out.
Our featured guest today has some unusual characteristics.
It is an animal that:

  • has a beak
  • is related to a slug
  • has the largest eyes of any animal
  • is eaten by sperm whales.

Can you guess what it is?

The book Giant Squid: Searching for a Sea Monster (Smithsonian) by Mary M Cerullo and Clyde F.E. Roper will give you all the answers to this mystery, or at least all the answers that are known so far.

One of the authors, Dr. Clyde Roper, is a zoologist at Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History who has devoted his life to finding out more about giant squid.

It isn’t easy studying giant squid, however. They live in the depths of the oceans, so far down only one person has ever recorded images of a living specimen (by sending a camera deep into the ocean). How do scientists like Dr. Roper study something that they can’t see? Dr. Roper looks for rare specimens that wash up on shore and also examines sperm whales. He studies sperm whales because they dive down and eat giant squid. In fact, it was the sucker-shaped scars left on the skin of the sperm whales by giant squid tentacles that helped scientists figure out how big they were.

In this video, Dr. Roper discusses some of his findings. The film editing is a bit “unusual,” but I think you can still see his passion for his subject.

CREDIT: Smithsonian Institution

Doesn’t that make you want to become a zoologist, too?

What I really like about this book is it shows how marine biologists use clues from a variety of sources to learn about these mysterious creatures. For example, scientists can estimate how many giant squid are in the ocean depths by calculating the number of giant squid a sperm whale eats and then multiplying that number by the number of sperm whales there are. Assuming sperm whales are not catching all giant squids that are living in the ocean, the numbers suggest there are millions of giant squid. Amazing!

How do scientists figure out how many giant squid a sperm whale eats? It is based on the number of giant squid beaks found in the stomachs of sperm whales, because the hard beaks are not digested. This leads to the part of the book that is not for the squeamish. Some of the photographs show researchers dissecting a sperm whale carcass that washed up on shore, in order to find out what its stomach contents were. It is a bloody, smelly process. Some of the photographs of the dead giant squids that have been found aren’t that pleasant, either. Sensitive children should probably be warned about the graphic nature of some of the photographs, but the story is so fascinating, they should be encouraged to give it a try. And the color photographs of the squids relatives, particularly the cuttlefishes, are just enchanting.

I really could go on and on about this book. The bottom line is that Giant Squid: Searching for a Sea Monster is a fascinating look at a mysterious creature, and a wonderful glimpse into the scientific process as well. I highly recommend it, particularly for budding marine biologists. Take it along on your next trip to the beach.

For more giant squid information and lesson ideas:

Giant Squid at  Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History

Ocean Portal – For educators has links to many lessons about the ocean, for example:

Museum of New Zealand has a kid-friendly site with activities and information about the related Colossal Squid

The University of Arizona has a lesson:  The Cool Communication of Cephalopods

Spineless Smarts- a NOVA program about studying cuttlefish – too cute

A book about glass squid – shows relative sizes of different squid and sperm whales compared to a semi-trailer truck.

Did you know that April has been National Poetry month? To celebrate, The STEM Friday blog has a post about STEM Haiku . Here is my haiku inspired by the book:

Search for sea monster
Giant squid swimming so deep
Tentacle comes up

Paperback: 48 pages
Publisher: Capstone Press (January 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1429680237
ISBN-13: 978-1429680233

This plush toy might be interesting, as well.

Disclosures: Book was provided by publisher for review purposes. Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click through the linked titles or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.

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