Category: Fun Science Activity (Page 22 of 112)

STEAM Festival: Art Activities for Kids with a STEM Focus

Share It! Science and Growing with Science are pleased to announce we are teaming up for a week long Children’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Festival. Please join us for information and project ideas to help your family explore STEAM-related activities for the summer and beyond.

Today we are highlighting art with a STEM focus. Sarah at Share It! Science has an awesome description of activities for a Family STEAM Night: Where Art Meets Science. Here at Growing with Science we are going to investigate string theory using art.


Whether art should be included with STEM (making the acronym STEAM) is not universally accepted. STEM advocates argue that the STEM acronym was conceived to promote the subjects that needed an extra push. STEAM backers say including art might draw some reluctant students to STEM through the back door, as well as create more well-rounded citizens.

The fact is, many scientists are interested in art and if they are not actively using art for their careers, probably have art-related hobbies. At the same time, many artists are using STEM to create innovative new techniques. The two have never been mutually exclusive and the  boundaries may be blurrier than ever.

Some obvious places art and STEM overlap:

  • Scientific illustration
  • The maker movement
  • Archeology
  • Architecture
  • Industrial design
  • Web design

Art also helps students explore abstract constructs in more concrete ways. Let’s look at an example.

Exploring String Theory

String theory (or superstring theory) is the complex and abstract idea from quantum mechanics that ridiculously tiny strands of energy or “strings” vibrate to create all the particles and forces in the universe(s). And, by the way, they are vibrating in 11 dimensions.

Got that? If not, Brian Greene has a TED talk called Making Sense of String Theory that might help.

String Theory for Kids

Who better to explain string theory to kids than another kid? Shaun-Michael Diem-Lane, who was eleven when he made this video, has obviously been thinking about string theory a lot. Watch how he uses concrete examples and art to make his explanation easier to understand.


(Note: There might be a wee bit of confusion between energy and matter in the video).

Creating String Theory Art

Painting with rubber bands is one way to think about the energy and chaos of string theory.

1. Rubber band paint brush


  • Rubber bands of different sizes
  • Pencil or paint brush to serve as a handle.
  • Acrylic paint
  • Small, shallow bowls or plates to hold paint
  • Paper

(Affiliate link)

Using a pencil or paint brush as a handle, gather a few rubber bands into a bundle. Hold them against the pencil and fasten using another rubber band wrapped around, creating a “mop” of rubber bands. Help of an adult may be required for this step.


Pour the paint into a shallow bowl or plate. Dip the rubber bands in the acrylic paint and then apply to paper. Experiment with different techniques, such as dragging the rubber bands across the paper, hopping the paint brush with the rubber bands down, etc. Then try different colors.

2. Rubber band launching device

Ever launch a rubber band using your finger?

Figure out a device to launch rubber bands at paper taped or fixed to a wall. Dip different-sized rubber bands in different colors of acrylic paint and launch them at the paper for a random effect.


Having trouble thinking up ideas? Mars Needs Rubber is a physics experiment that evaluates one rubber band launching method (direct .pdf link)

Other STEM and Art Resources to give you some ideas:


Did you like our merging of science and art? Would you like to see more posts like this? Just let us know. 


Disclosures: The book above was from our local library. Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click through the linked titles or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.


Our activity schedule is as follows:

June 22: Science
Growing with Science: Science activities for Kids
Share it! Science: Are You a Scientist?

June 23: Technology
Growing with Science: Technology for Kids
Share it! Science: Exploring Kid’s Opportunities in Technology

June 24: Engineering
Growing with Science: Engineering Activities for Kids
Share it! Science: Rube Goldberg Machines- an Engineering Challenge

June 25: Art with a STEM focus
Growing with Science: this post
Share it! Science: Family STEAM Night- Where Art Meets Science!

June 26:  Math
Growing with Science: New math books for kids
Share It! Science: The Golden Ratio in the Garden

We would love to hear your questions or suggestions for STEAM-related projects to share with others. Let’s heat up the summer with STEAM!

STEAM Festival: Engineering Activities for Kids

For the third day of our STEAM Festival, we are featuring engineering. At Share it! Science, Sarah is giving information about designing a Rube-Goldberg contraption. Below we are giving some engineering activity ideas.

What is engineering and how do you do it?

The difference between science, technology, and engineering is not always completely clear, but basically scientists seek understanding by performing experiments, whereas engineers create new products and experiences. If you are doing an experiment, it is probably science. If you are making a model or prototype of something, then the project is probably engineering. Science Buddies has an excellent graphic comparison of the engineering method and the scientific method to help clarify the differences.


Recently scientists at Colombia University used the spores of a bacterium to harness the power of evaporation. Basically, they found out that the spores change shape in response to changes in humidity.

Then they used that understanding to engineer some very small contraptions powered by the bacteria spores. See what happens when the energy of evaporation is harnessed:

Doesn’t that give you chills? Learn more about at Science Friday.

Some Ideas for Engineering Projects

1. Science Buddies has a huge list of engineering projects, including instructions how to make a “Frightened Grasshopper: Solar-Powered Robot Bug” (kit required).

2. Check out books, such as Cool Engineering Activities for Girls (Girls Science Club) by Heather E. Schwartz and Lana F Flakes (Consultant Editor) has many project ideas, most of which would work for boys as well as girls.

This book gives step-by-step instructions for making things like litter grabbers and a table made out of paper.

3. Teachers Try Science lists instructions for how to build your own robot arm. This does not involve electronics, but common household materials.

4. World Space Week (WSW) provides a teacher’s activity guide with instructions for quite a few engineering projects. For example, “Houston We May Have an Omelet!” on page 7 involves designing a landing pad to help an “eggnaut” land safely. The WSW educator’s page lists links to the activity guides and a number of other resources, or you can download the .pdf at this direct link.

5. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has a list of over 100 engineering project ideas from kids educational sites, like ZOOM, plus some of their own, like this extensive project that involves building bridges.

6. We also have some previous posts about engineering projects here at Growing With Science:


Disclosures: The book above was provided by the publisher for review purposes. Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click through the linked titles or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.

Share It! Science and Growing with Science are pleased to announce we are teaming up for a week long Children’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Festival. Please join us for information and project ideas to help your family explore STEAM-related activities for the summer and beyond!


Our activity schedule is as follows:

June 22: Science
Growing with Science: Science activities for Kids
Share it! Science: Are You a Scientist?

June 23: Technology
Growing with Science: Technology for Kids
Share it! Science: Exploring Kid’s Opportunities in Technology

June 24: Engineering
Growing with Science: This post
Share it! Science: Rube Goldberg Machines- an Engineering Challenge

June 25: Art with a STEM focus
Growing with Science: Art Activities for Kids with a STEM Focus
Share it! Science: Family STEAM Night- Where Art Meets Science!

June 26:  Math
Growing with Science: New math books for kids
Share It! Science: The Golden Ratio in the Garden

We would love to hear your questions or suggestions for STEAM-related projects to share with others. Let’s heat up the summer with STEAM!

STEAM Festival: Technology for Kids

Share It! Science and Growing with Science are pleased to announce we are teaming up for a week long Children’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Festival. Please join us for information and project ideas to help your family explore STEAM-related activities for the summer and beyond.

Today we are highlighting technology.  Sarah at Share It Science has an excellent post:  Exploring Kids’ Opportunities in Technology, including information about coding, making, robotics, and more. Here we let loose our fascination of wearable technology, in particular high-tech clothes.

[Note:  I am an affiliate of Amazon (See disclosures below). I am not affiliated with any of the other companies or products mentioned in this post.]

What is technology?

Technology is an application of science and engineering to make or produce items that solve problems or make tasks easier.

Using that definition, is a pencil an example of technology? Sure, pencils make it easier to write and draw. Technology doesn’t have to be invented recently or be particularly complicated.

In this post, however, we are going to look into the future, inspired by two children’s books.

Hi-Tech Clothes (Design and Engineering for Stem) by Richard Spilsbury introduces young readers to the exciting world of high-tech, or as he calls it “hi-tech,” clothing.

Clothing that is high-tech can solve any of a number of problems. It can make the wearer warmer, drier or safer through the use of modern technology.

Where technology literally shines, however, is in the area of fashion.

Check out these gorgeous color-changing dresses by CuteCircuit (note:  the second dress does have a plunging neckline).

Haute Couture backstage – France 2012 from CUTECIRCUIT on Vimeo.

How cool is that?

The World’s Oddest Inventions (Library of Weird) by Nadia Higgins also features some high-tech clothing.

How about a dress that moves and changes when the viewer looks at it? Ying Gao’s dress uses eye-tracking technology and photoluminescent thread to produce some striking effects, shown in this video:

(no)where(now)here : 2 gaze-activated dresses by ying gao from ying gao on Vimeo.

The book also features an Electronic Guitar Shirt (affiliate link goes to Amazon where you can see the shirt) that has a graphic that is actually playable. It comes with a small amplifier as well.

The idea of wearable technology goes well past fashion. Recently Google and Levi Strauss & Co. announced Project Jacquard, a cooperative research project to stretch the limits of how we use and wear digital technology. In the future, accessing a computer might be as simple as brushing your sleeve.

Clothing Technology Activities:

1. Add LED lights to an outfit or shoes.

How might adding LED lights make clothing more useful? In addition to the striking beauty of the clothes above, in the future LED lights in our clothes might light up to warn of a health issue or help keep us safe when walking or biking at night.

Obtain some self-contained LED lights (for example, flashing LEDs, Candy Lites or Aniomagic kits.) Or you can sometimes find LED lights already incorporated into inexpensive toys or costumes that can be re-purposed.

Let you imagination run wild and attach the LED lights to an outfit, costume, or shoes.

E-How has instructions for using conventional LEDs to light up a shirt. Just be sure you know enough about electronics not to create a short circuit, which could result in a fire.

2. Investigate Clothing Technology

New clothing technology can help in a number of practical ways, such as:

  • Monitor the health of the wearer by measuring heart rate,  temperature, fatigue levels, etc.
  • Gather movement data like a step-counter or to improve the wearer’s golf swing
  • Record exposure to hazardous materials
  • Track the position of the wearer via gps
  • Help the wearer perceive the environment, especially if one or more senses are impaired.

Research some of the clothing technology that interests you. Think of new designs and new ways to incorporate technology into clothing. Write a report or create a video to share what you found.

Intrigued? Here are some related sources of information:

Fairytale Fashion has a series of instructional videos, including a video of a great STEAM-inspired fashion show, plus an (expensive) kit to try some of the fashion technology (probably for older teens+)

Investigating camouflage and invisibility post

Suzanne Lee: Grow your own clothes TED Talk


Disclosures: The books were provided by the publisher for review purposes.  Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click through the linked book titles, images or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.


Our activity schedule is as follows:

June 22: Science
Growing with Science: Science activities for Kids
Share it! Science: Are You a Scientist?

June 23: Technology
Growing with Science: this post
Share it! Science: Exploring Kid’s Opportunities in Technology

June 24: Engineering
Growing with Science: Engineering Activities for Kids
Share it! Science: Rube Goldberg Machines- an Engineering Challenge

June 25: Art with a STEM focus
Growing with Science: Art Activities for Kids with a STEM Focus
Share it! Science: Family STEAM Night- Where Art Meets Science!

June 26:  Math
Growing with Science: New math books for kids
Share It! Science: The Golden Ratio in the Garden

We would love to hear your questions or suggestions for STEAM-related projects to share with others. Let’s heat up the summer with STEAM!


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