Category: Fun Science Activity (Page 23 of 112)

STEAM Festival: Science Activities for Kids

Share It! Science and Growing with Science are pleased to announce we are teaming up for a week long Children’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Festival. Please join us for information and project ideas to help your family explore STEAM-related activities for the summer and beyond.

Today we are highlighting science.  Sarah at Share It Science asks “What is a Scientist?” and walks through a guided experiment using dancing raisins. Here we are also discussing the scientific method, with suggestions on how to develop experiments using plants.

What is the scientific method?

Are you familiar with the vocabulary of the scientific method? Do you know the following terms as they are used in science?

  • Observation
  • Question
  • Hypothesis
  • Research
  • Test
  • Experiment
  • Conclusions

If not, you might want to start with the following resources.

If you have children ages 6 – 9 years, you definitely will want to consider picking up the new picture book Mesmerized: How Ben Franklin Solved a Mystery that Baffled All of France by Mara Rocklif and illustrated by Iacopo Bruno. The author captures a moment in history and reveals how Ben Franklin tested a peculiar case involving man in France who claimed he could cure people of illnesses by waving a wand. The author introduces young readers to the scientific method and to the placebo effect with concrete examples (for a full review of the book, see our sister blog, Wrapped in Foil). Excellent book!

(Affiliate link)

For older children, you can brush up on the scientific method at the Growing With Science website, where we discuss the process and give an example of experimental design for you to assess.

Now, let’s put the scientific method to work.

The great thing about the scientific method is that you can apply it to almost any question about the natural world. Today we’re going to apply it to questions about plants.

1. Root Viewer Experiments

It is possible to buy commercial root viewers, which have clear sides to allow viewing of a growing plant’s roots over time. However, they can be expensive. Design your own root viewer from recycled clear containers and then perform experiments in them.



  • Seeds such as bean seeds, popcorn, radishes
  • Clear plastic containers such as cookie tubs, bottles, plastic cups, packaging, even CD cases…
  • Potting soil and/or paper towels
  • Water
  • Paper and pencil to draw design and record results
  • Ruler

Go through the recycling bin and look for clear container that might make a root viewer. It should be at least four inches deep to allow the roots to grow properly. If it isn’t an ideal shape, think of a way to modify it.

How will you hold the seeds in place? You might want to try either wet paper towels or moist potting soil, depending on the size of the container. If you are using soil, either punch some drainage holes in the bottom or cover the bottom with a layer of pebbles for drainage. Then fill about 3/4 with soil. Place several different kinds of seeds against the inner walls. (If you are in a hurry, you could try planting sprouts.) Cover the seeds with about 1/8 inch soil. Water as needed to keep moist, but not too wet.

Now is an opportunity to make some observations. Can you see the roots growing? What do the roots look like? Do they have colors? Do they have hairs?


Which kinds of seeds started growing roots first?  Measure the roots every day and graph root length over time. Do the roots grow the same amount every day? Do the roots of some plants grow faster than others? Do the roots of different kinds of plants grow into different shapes? For example, do some grow straight down, or do they branch like a tree? Do some roots look like a mop when they grow?

Once you have perfected your containers, it might be time to do some more advanced studies. Using only one kind of seed, what happens if you cover the bottom of container so the roots are in darkness versus are exposed to light? What happens if you gently turn the container on its side once the roots have started? Do the roots continue growing in the same direction or do they resume growing down?

If you try these experiments and choose to do so, we would like to hear your results.

Do you have any suggestions for other studies you could try with a root viewer?

2. What Do Plants Need to Grow?


  • Milk cartons or other similar containers, or small pots
  • Potting soil
  • Water
  • Seeds like beans, popcorn, or radishes
  • Scissors
  • Paper and pencil
  • Ruler
  • Permanent pen such as a Sharpie

Think about what plants may need to grow and then design an experiment to test some of your ideas. Check the Growing with Science website for information about the scientific method and how to design an experiment.

For example, does the amount of water matter?  You might try watering some plants with 1 cup of water, watering others with only 1/4 cup of water, and give others no water at all.

Do plants really need light? You could keep some plants in the dark by covering them with a cardboard box and keep some in the light. You could also compare growing plants under different kinds of light bulbs.

What about fresh air? Could you put some of the plants in tightly sealed plastic bags to see if they need fresh air?

Can you leave out the soil? Can you grow plants in a kitchen sponge or wad of moist paper towels instead of soil? Compare how much they grow to plants grown in soil.

You can also investigate how many seeds to plant in each container. Do plants grow better alone, with a few other plants, or with a lot of other plants?

Write down your experiment. What is the question you want to ask and what is your hypothesis (tentative answer). Also, figure out how many containers you will need.

If you are using milk cartons, cut off the tops with scissors. Poke a few drain holes in the bottom. If you want, you can do an experiment where you leave drain holes out of some of the containers to see if you really need drain holes.

Important: Label each container with the permanent marker so you can remember which treatment it is.

Fill the cartons with the soil or growing medium you have chosen. Plant the seeds. Water those you have chosen to receive water. Cover the ones that are to be dark, wrap in plastic those that are not going to get fresh air. Check every other day to add water as necessary and record your results by measuring the height of each plant. Which plants grew best? What conditions do plants need for proper growth?

Can you think of any other variables to test? What about hot versus cold temperatures? What about giving some plants fertilizer and other none? Carry out your experiment and record the results. Write up your experiment and share it with others.


Resources for learning more about science:


Disclosures: The book above was from our local library. Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click through the linked titles or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.


Our activity schedule is as follows:

Today:  Science
Growing with Science: this post
Share it! Science: Are You a Scientist?

June 23:  Technology
Growing with Science: Technology for Kids
Share it! Science: Exploring Kid’s Opportunities in Technology

June 24: Engineering
Growing with Science: Engineering Activities for Kids
Share it! Science: Rube Goldberg Machines- an Engineering Challenge

June 25:  Art with a STEM focus
Growing with Science: Art Activities for Kids with a STEM Focus
Share it! Science: Family STEAM Night- Where Art Meets Science!

June 26:  Math
Growing with Science: New math books for kids
Share It! Science: The Golden Ratio in the Garden

We would love to hear your questions or suggestions for STEAM-related projects to share with others. Let’s heat up the summer with STEAM!

STEAM Activities for Children All Next Week

Share It! Science and Growing with Science are thrilled to announce we are teaming up for a week long Children’s Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) Festival all next week. Please join us for information and project ideas to help you explore STEAM-related activities for the summer and beyond!


Our STEAM activity schedule is as follows:

June 22:  Science
June 23:  Technology
June 24:  Engineering
June 25:  Art with a STEM focus
June 26:  Math

We would love to hear your questions or suggestions for STEAM-related projects to share with others. If you choose to, please leave your ideas in the comments and we’ll add the links to the appropriate days.

Let’s heat up the summer with STEAM!

Birdology: 30 Hands-on Activities for Kids

For STEM Friday we’re going to the birds again with a new middle grade book, Birdology: 30 Activities and Observations for Exploring the World of Birds (Young Naturalists) by Monica Russo and photographs by Kevin Byron.

If you are already familiar with Chicago Review Press books for kids, you will recognize the format. Each section reveals information about a topic, such as feathers, and then provides suggestions for making observations and for appropriate hands-on activities to reinforce learning.

Birdology gives an introduction to many aspects of bird biology, such as their anatomy and special characteristics, where to look for them, what they eat, bird migratory behavior, etc. In the final section it explores common careers that involve working with birds.

The author is very careful to point out that it is illegal to collect or possess feathers, nests or eggs of wild birds. All the activity suggestions keep this important consideration in mind.

Educators will be interested in the Teacher’s Guide and Resources in the back matter. Monica Russo is an experienced teacher, which is evident because the Teacher’s Guide includes suggestions for how to accommodate a student who is afraid of birds. That is not something a beginning teacher is likely to have encountered.

Kevin Byron’s photographs are inspiring (see activity suggestion below). You almost wish more space had been devoted to them, although that might have left less room for the fabulous activities. See what I mean by checking out the barn swallow in flight on page 76.

Birdology is a must have book for beginning ornithologists, and basically any older child interested in science and nature. It would be wonderful paired with a citizen science project such as the Great Backyard Bird Count. Educators will also want a copy for ideas for quick projects that are appealing and well-designed, and that could work with multi-aged groups.

Age Range: 7 and up
Publisher: Chicago Review Press (January 1, 2015)
ISBN-10: 161374949X
ISBN-13: 978-1613749494

Related activity suggestions:

1. Anting by birds

Imagine you are watching some big black birds called crows. Suddenly one spies an ant mound, runs over to it and starts flopping around on it while ruffling its wings. Then it grabs some of the ants and starts thrusting them up into its feathers. What is wrong with this crow? Has it eaten some bad food? What is it doing?

In fact, the bird is using the ants’ defensive chemicals as a personal bug killer. Birders call this behavior “anting.”

Birds can be host to various itchy lice and mites. Scientists have long thought that by anting birds kill these parasites, but few are willing to do the experiments to prove it. However, one man actually took the lice off several birds he had observed anting and compared them to the lice on some birds that hadn’t anted. He found many of the lice from the anting birds died, but only a few from the non-anting birds.

When the birds actively pick up the ants and wipe their wings with them, it is called active anting. Other birds simply squat or lie on an anthill shaking their wings and tails, and stirring up the ants. This behavior is called passive anting.

You can see an example of passive anting in the following video (there is background music):

Doesn’t the behavior look odd at first?

When you are watching birds, be sure to keep your eye out for birds that are anting. Document your observations in a nature notebook, sketchbook, with photographs, or with video and then share them with others.

2. Bird Photography

Birds are often small and active, but with patience and experience, children can learn how to photograph birds.


With any camera, start with larger birds that are easy to spot and are not likely to fly away. Water birds might be a good choice.


Think about the background. Again, water birds make this easier because the water is generally uniform and gives good contrast.

heron background issuesSee how much easier it is to spot the mallard in the top photograph, where the heron gets lost in the second photograph?

heron-headNo pesky background in this photograph.


Add interest to a photograph by concentrating on the head and eye of the bird. If  you study Kevin Byron’s photographs, you will see he does this.

Encourage your budding photographers to keep records of what kinds of birds they photograph, where and when the photograph was taken, what the birds were doing, etc.

Talk about the photographs, too. Compare the beak of the heron versus the goose. Do you know what each kind of bird eats? (Herons eat fish whereas geese graze on vegetation.) Who knows what else you might discover!


Previous Growing With Science posts with bird-related activities:


More Resources:

Check our Pinterest board of bird-related activities.

Looking for more bird books for children?

childrens-books-for-young-birdwatchersA growing list of bird books for kids at Science Books for Kids

Taking-Flight-childrens-books-about-bird-migration-300x270plus a list of children’s books specifically about bird migrations.


Disclosures: The book above was from our local library. Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon. If you click through the linked titles or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.

Come visit the STEM Friday blog each week to find more great Science, Technology, Engineering and Math books.


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