Category: insects (Page 20 of 88)

Bug of the Week: Obscure Bird Grasshopper

Let’s take a look at a couple of photographs sent in by my cousin.

(Photograph by Karen Gibson, used with permission)

How did she ever spot this mostly green grasshopper hiding on a green plant?


(Photograph by Karen Gibson, used with permission)

Looks a lot different close up! Can you see the bright yellow semi-lunar process at the “knee joint” of the hind legs? (See previous post about grasshoppers for details).

This species has an unusual common name:  obscure bird grasshopper,  Schistocerca obscura.

Turns out the plant is unusual, too. Called the citronella plant or mosquito plant geranium, Pelargonium citrosum, it is a scented geranium that smells like another plant, citronella. Citronella is supposed to chase away mosquitoes, although there’s some question whether the scented geranium has the same effect.

In any case, a scented geranium that smells like citronella evidently does not chase away grasshoppers.


Thanks to Karen for permission to use her photographs.

Bug of the Week: More Milkweed Bug Answers

Did you identify the insects we found on common milkweed?

A. The beetles are red milkweed beetles, Tetraopes tetrophthalmus. They are a type of longhorned beetle.

The bright red and black adults are easy to spot. They make a squeaking sound if they are captured.

The larvae are not as easy to find. They feed on the roots of milkweed plants under the soil.

B. This is a Baltimore checkerspot butterfly. Do you see the orange tips on its antennae?

The caterpillars are orange and black as well.

The Baltimore checkerspot larvae do not feed on milkweeds. They eat other wildflowers, like hairy beardtongue (Penstemon hirsutus), and English plantain (Plantago lanceolata).

Have you ever seen these insects?



Bug of the Week: More Milkweed Insects

Do you remember our previous post about insects found on milkweed plants? We recently went  to western New York State and found insects on a different species of milkweed from that region.

This is the common milkweed, Asclepias syriaca. It has large leaves and pink flowers.

Can you identify these insects? Let us know in the comments.


Here’s another view:


Here’s another view:


Milkweed plants are popular with insects.

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