Going over my photographs from the last 12 months, I realized I took many fewer shots of insects than in years past. It was still difficult, however, to limit the selection of favorites to just 10.
Insects Around Water
Blue seems to be the color of choice around ponds and streams.
Blue mixed with green, that is.
These photographs were taken in the company of some of my favorite people.
Insects in Fields and Pastures
A flower fly feeds on the nectar of Robin’s Plantain, I believe.
This skipper butterfly sips nectar from a clover flower.
A tattered wood nymph rests on a leaf.
This queen butterfly just emerged from its chrysalis.
Not to be outdone, here’s a monarch caterpillar feeding on rush milkweed.
What’s this ant doing on this leaf? Probably searching for nectar or honeydew.
Insects On Trees
Exoskeleton of a cicada nymph clings to the trunk of a tree.
That wraps up Bug of the Week for 2016.
Wishing you all a very happy New Year!