Category: insects (Page 27 of 88)

Bug of the Week: The Tent Caterpillar That Isn’t

Edit:  Ever had one of those weeks? Thank you to James Trager for pointing out that these are the caterpillars of tortricid moths.

If you were asked to identify this insect structure, what would you suggest?

webspinning-sawfly-tent_0196Tent caterpillar nest? Perhaps fall webworm?

Let’s take a look at the larvae inside.

webspinning-sawfly-larvae10The larvae aren’t hairy or fuzzy like some of the caterpillars that make silk nests.

webspinning-sawfly-larvae_0021If you look closely, you’ll see these larvae have many prolegs (for a discussion of prolegs, try this post).

I originally thought the insects in the photos were webspinning sawfly larvae. Sawflies are relatives of bees, wasps, and ants, yet their larvae look and act like butterfly caterpillars (see for example, webspinning sawflies in the genus Neurotoma at BugGuide.)

If I had looked a bit more closely, however, I would have noticed the head capsules, although dark, are completely different. Obviously these are the larvae of the ugly nest caterpillar (see great description of their life cycle).

Will I make that mistake again soon? It’s not likely, which is why feedback is so valuable. Thank you to all the people who have given me feedback this week (Did I mention that it has been one of those weeks?)





Bug of the Week: Cicada Nymph Exoskeletons

Insects can interfere with exercise.

cicada-nymphs-mesquite-tree250For example, these light-colored objects on the dark bark of a mesquite caught my eye and I had to run home and grab my camera.

nice-cidada-nymph-SC_0260Do you recognize it?

cicada-nymph-close-gd42Here, look closer.

It’s the exoskeleton shed by a cicada turning from a nymph into an adult. Can you see the covering where the eyes were? How about the large front legs used for digging?


The bulbous area in front of the eyes is the covering for the part of the mouth that pumps fluids from plants. The flap-like structure on the side of the body is the wing bud that develops into the wing of the adult.

Have you ever found a cicada nymph exoskeleton? Where did you find it? Did you look at it closely?






Bug of the Week: Assorted Dragonflies and Damselflies

I was walking in our local greenbelt this morning and saw a half dozen or so dragonflies hunting. They were no more than golden flashes of wings back lit in the sunlight.

white-faced-dragonfly-close_0651They reminded me to post these photographs of a white-faced dragonfly I took earlier this summer.

darner-dragonfly_0673This one is harder to see. Its eyes look like they are turquoise.


blue-damselfly-C_0674Not hard to see the blue on this damselfly.

gorgeous-damselfly_0618Here’s a tiny damselfly with turquoise on its tail.

All these photographs were taken at one pond within a few minutes on a summer day.

Do you see dragonflies or damselflies where you live? How many of them have blue on them?




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