Category: insects (Page 61 of 88)

Bug of the Week: Whiteflies

What are those white and dark bumps on the underside of the penstemon leaves?

Those are the life stages of the of insects called whiteflies.

The adult whitefly looks somewhat like a tiny moth, but whiteflies are actually in the Family Hemiptera. They are closely related to aphids and scales. In fact the nymphs look a lot like flat scales. They are the oval lumps on the leaf surface.

The adult whiteflies lay eggs on the undersides of the leaves. (The eggs are above the adult whitefly in this photograph.) The eggs hatch into tiny nymphs with legs, called “crawlers.” The crawlers find a place to feed, insert their mouthparts into the leaf, and suck juices from the plant. Usually there will be a number of nymphs feeding together on the underside of a leaf, giving it the appearance of sandpaper.

This particular species of whitefly has brown markings on its wings. It shows up only on penstemon plants in our yard and only in the spring. By summer it is gone. Another smaller species, the silverleaf whitefly, shows up later in the summer and fall on a wider variety of plants.

Whiteflies:  another sign spring is here!

Bug of the Week: Green Bottle Fly

Talk about the beauty and the beast…

This shiny green fly feeds on nectar from flowers.

The adult green bottle flies are actually visually interesting, perhaps even (dare I say it) attractive?

No one would ever call green bottle fly offspring, the fly larvae or maggots, even remotely attractive. They serve an important function, however, because they clean up dead animals and excrement. Think about what the earth might be like if decomposers and scavengers like green bottle flies weren’t around. Yuck!

If you have a really strong stomach, I mean really really strong, you can go see maggots at work. Warning:  not for the squeamish!

This group of flies are commonly called blow flies. They belong to the family Calliphoridae.

Have you seen any flies out yet where you live?

Bug of the Week: Sunflower Aphids

Aphids make most gardeners cringe, but if you look deeply, they are actually quite fascinating.

Take these aphids on a sunflower. You might not be able to see it in this lower resolution version, but I found an aphid giving birth, an aphid with a baby on its back and a winged aphid in this photograph.

Do you see the tiny wasp? She is laying her eggs in aphids, which will cause the aphids to turn into mummies.

In this view you can see some of them have their mouthparts stuck into the plant. What’s that silvery thing?

Although many people mistake theses insects for honey bees, this one is actually a fly. In fact it is a flower or hover fly, genus Eristalis.

Why is it here? The adult fly may have been feeding on nectar and pollen from the flower or it may have been drinking honeydew left behind by the aphids. It also may have been up to no good as far as the aphids are concerned, because it may have been laying eggs nearby. The larvae of many types of flower flies are predators of aphids.

So many little dramas right under our noses.

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