Category: Bug of the Week (Page 20 of 218)

Dragonfly Obelisk Posture

The dragonflies are swarming my neighborhood this week.

Dragonflies are fun to watch because they often return to the same perch over and over, giving you the opportunity to observe them closely.

Watch the abdomen on this one.

It has tipped its abdomen up into what is called the “obelisk posture.”

It is possible that it saw my camera as a threat and this was a defensive move. On the other hand, it was a hot day and scientists have suggested the obelisk posture is a way dragonflies adjust their exposure to sunlight and keep from overheating.


Bug of the Week: Challenges for Honey Bees

Life can be challenging for honey bees.

For instance, take the red bird of paradise flower.

These flowers have amazing long stamens.

See the red threadlike-structures towards the left. The bumps at the ends are the anthers that produce pollen.

Collecting that pollen from such a fragile structure can be a chore.

It requires some acrobatics, even with wings.

One honey bee is using other stamens as scaffolding of sorts.

Another tries a different approach.

It’s called the fly in and grab.

Grasp the anther.

And down it goes.

It would have been better as a video, but I saw a bunch of honey bees doing this.

It looked like a ride at an an amusement park. The stamen droops with the weight of the bee then springs up again when the bee lets go.

All in a day’s work, I guess.

Saguaros Flowering in September?

I’ve been stalking a neighbor’s saguaro this week because it is flowering.

For those of you who don’t see these giant cacti every day, saguaros usually flower in June, not September.

The flowers usually open at night, but these are staying open well into the morning, which makes them accessible to day-active pollinators like these honey bees and the carpenter bee on the right.

With all the buds, looks like they’ll be enjoying flowers for a few more days at least.

Have you seen any flowers or bees this week?

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