Category: Bug of the Week (Page 30 of 218)

Bug of the Week: What Does a Moth See?

What goes through your mind when you see a moth sitting on a wall?

First, I always wonder if I know what kind it is.

In this case, I do. It is a Royal Poinciana moth, Melipotis acontioides. We had one earlier on our palo verde tree, although its wing colors were darker.

The next thing I wonder is what the moth is doing. Generally moths hide during the day and fly at night. To us, their wing colors and patterns resemble tree bark, so to be successfully camouflaged they should rest on a tree.

We do have suitable trees in our yard. Did this one choose the light-colored wall of our stucco house because it mistook the texture for a tree? How did the wall appear to the moth? What did it see?

Although I don’t know the answer, I did find an amazing picture book that attempts to show us how other animals might perceive their surroundings, Eye Spy: Wild Ways Animals See the World by Guillaume Duprat.

This over-sized book is stuffed full of information about vision. With fold-out pages and flaps to lift, it is fun and interactive for kids (although a nightmare for librarians).

The premise is straightforward. The author discusses what is known about human vision and compares it with other animals. How he presents the material, however, is what makes it stand out. He has developed a stylized scene full of colors and shapes. He shows how we see the scene and then on the following pages unveils our best idea of how dogs, cats, mice, owls, and even earthworms might see it. There is a detailed illustration of each animal that emphasizes their eyes, and a flap to lift and reveal what they see (the earthworm is the best).

Back to what our moth sees, Duprat shows the scene as a honey bee (see Bee Eye Website for a preview) and fly might perceive it, but on the last page of the book he says that we don’t know what a butterfly (and presumably a moth) might see. It is one of the many unanswered questions in science. For the time being, we can only imagine it.

Eye Spy is an engaging and information look at vision. You just might want to take a peek at it.

Age Range: 6 – 12 years
Publisher: What on Earth Books (October 1, 2018)
ISBN-10: 1999802853
ISBN-13: 978-1999802851

Disclosure: The book was provided by our local library. Also, I am an affiliate with Amazon so I can provide you with cover images and links to more information about books and products. As you probably are aware, if you click through the highlighted title link and purchase a product, I will receive a very small commission, at no extra cost to you. Any proceeds help defray the costs of hosting and maintaining this website.

Bug of the Week: Different Crab Spider

Arizona has many different crab spiders.

We have colorful ones that hide in flowers.

We have gentle giants (Olios sp.).

This week we have a new (to us) crab spider.

It was small spot, a body and legs sunning on a car cover. At first glance, I thought it might be a tick.

A closer look shows it is a spider because it has two distinct body regions. Ticks are basically one oval body.

The forward-directed front legs indicate it is a crab spider.

In fact, it appears to be a ground crab spider, Xysticus sp. (Experts, please correct me).

It’s always fun to find something new.

Want to learn a few basics about how to identify spiders? See our previous post.

Or pick up a book from our growing list of children’s books about spiders at Science Books for Kids.

Bug of the Week: Lone Armyworm

While I was out for my morning walk, I found a caterpillar on the sidewalk.

The vibrant yellow lines on its back caught my eye. In the sun they look almost like gold leaf.

The larva was quite still, probably because it was in the 40s this morning.

It was still alive and began to crawl once I’d warmed it in my hand.

It is an armyworm, possibly a yellow-stiped armyworm given the yellow. If it completes its life cycle, it turn into an owlet moth (Family Noctuidae).

Armyworms get their name from the fact that they can migrate in large groups (armies). This one was a lone soldier.

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