Category: Learning Outdoors (Page 27 of 63)

Seed of the Week: Date Palm

We didn’t get any guesses last week for the mystery seed. I was hoping that someone would bite into a sweet, dried fruit, pull out the seed and say, “Aha! The mystery seed was a date seed!”


There are a lot of palm trees growing in the Phoenix metropolitan area of Arizona. One of my favorites is the date palm.


They have a lovely shape.


Although Phoenix dactylifera is the scientific name, date palms are probably originally from northern Africa.


Date Tree photo self-taken for Wikipedia by Balaram Mahalder

There are a number of different cultivars of date palms. The fruit vary somewhat in shape, size, and of course, flavor.

The book, A Seed is Sleepy, by Dianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long, tells about a scientist finding a seed of an extinct date palm that was thousands of years old. When the scientist planted the seed, it grew!

See if you can find a date seed and plant it (just make sure it hasn’t been cooked). Let me know if you grow one.

Great Backyard Bird Count

Here’s our result for the Great Backyard Bird Count. My son counted the birds in our back yard for 30 minutes.

Mourning Dove 5
Anna’s Hummingbird 2
Curve-billed Thrasher 1
Abert’s Towhee 2
Great-tailed Grackle 1
House Finch 15
House Sparrow 22


We added his results to the site today, and it was quick and easy.

If you did the count, we’d love to hear your results.

Weekend Science Fun: Count Some Birds

The 2010 Great Backyard Bird Count is coming up next weekend, February 12-15. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to participate in a science project where the data they collect really “counts.” 🙂image_preview

Even if you don’t know a house sparrow from a chickadee, the site has some good information about birds, checklists of birds found in your area, and instructions about data collecting. There is also a list of related backyard activities you can do. Best of all, it’s free!

Our family will be participating, because my son is an avid birder. He is also a bird photographer, so he may take part in the photo contest. Note:  photos must be taken during the count weekend.



Aren’t burrowing owls cute? (Now, why can’t I take photos like that? :-))

If you and your family take part in the bird count, we’d love to hear about your experiences.

For more information, try these books:

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