Category: Seed of the Week (Page 106 of 167)

Seed of the Week: Cherries

Our mystery seeds from last week were the pits, the cherry pits that is. You can still see a bit of the red fruit attached to this one (the other pits were from a yellow-fleshed variety.

A number of plants in the genus Prunus are called cherries, but the two used commercially are Prunus avium, called sweet cherry, and Prunus cerasus, the sour cherry. The edible ones are thought to have come from western Asia originally, although they have been cultivated and spread throughout much of the world.

Cherries grow on small trees. The trees blossom in the spring, and produce fruit from late spring to summer, depending on the variety and where it is grown.

Although the fruit is good to eat, the pits and other parts of the plants may be toxic. The cherry plant contains varying amounts of cyanogenic glycoside, which is converted to cyanide when eaten.

What the pits are good for, however, are potentially growing new trees. This video has some suggestions how to do it:

Now I’m thinking about making  a cherry cobbler or a cherry pie.

What is your favorite way to eat cherries?

Seed of the Week: Cranberries

Heather and her crew correctly surmised that our mystery seeds from last week were inside a cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon.

The tart fruit are commonly used for sauces, juice or may be dried.

If you’ve never seen a cranberry harvest, it is quite unique.

For more information:

How to grow cranberries.

Cranberry-themed lesson plans

What is your favorite way to eat cranberries?

Mystery Seed of the Week is taking a short vacation, and will be back in two weeks.

For more info:

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