Tag: carpenter bee (Page 2 of 4)

Bug of the Week: Texas Sage Pollinators

A few weeks ago, the wolfberry was in bloom and covered with insect visitors.

Today the Texas sage is blanketed with flowers.

We had a lot of rain this month, and Texas sage plants bloom in response to humidity and rain.

The insects respond, too.

The thumb-sized carpenter bees caught my eye, but they were too fast for a close up.

Does this look like a honey bee?

Surprise! It is a syrphid fly. It was more cooperative and sat still for its photograph.

Here’s another smaller syrphid fly (sometimes called a flower fly.) It also posed.

The honey bees looked strange. Instead of the usual golden brown, most were covered with white pollen.

Would you believe the thorax of this sweat bee is bright green?

It looks like it is covered with snow.

All these insects are pollinators, which means they carry pollen from plant to plant and help many types of plants produce viable seeds. Some recent reports have shown that pollinators may need extra assistance in order to survive and thrive. Check out a recent article which suggests being messy in the garden is a good way to provide places for pollinators to shelter over winter.

Messy? That’s easy to do!

Bug of the Week: Spring is in the Air

Spring has arrived in Arizona.


The wildflowers are blooming.


The bees are flying.


Bees and flowers are made for each other,


like this halictid sweat bee in a desert marigold,


and this carpenter bee face first in a desert mallow flower.

Yes, spring is in the air.

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