Tag: carpenter bee (Page 3 of 4)

Bug of the Week: Buzz Pollination by Bees

Yesterday we looked at silver senna flowers that I said were buzz pollinated. What does buzz pollination mean?

The stamens or pollen producing parts of certain flowers are enclosed, sort of like salt shakers.


For example, the short, stout yellow stamens of this potato bush flower are buzz pollinated.

To get the pollen out, the bee grabs the stamens with its mandibles or jaws and then curls its abdomen around while vibrating at a certain pitch.

We have some adorable solitary bees that visit the potato bush often, but I have never been able to get a photograph of them in the act.


Close, but not in the act. The little bees are just too fast.

Today I found a video where someone has captured these bees pollinating similar pepper flowers.

Turn up the volume, and you will hear why it maybe should be called “bizz” pollination instead of buzz pollination.

The tiny bees might not be easy to photograph, but this carpenter bee was more cooperative.


Have you ever seen bees buzz pollinating a flower?

Bug of the Week: Bee in Flight

Check out this unique slow motion video of a bee flying. Although the title says it is a bumble bee, it is actually a carpenter bee. Also, if an ad pops up the first time you view, simply close it and it shouldn’t show again.

Isn’t that incredible? Bees actually have four wings, but their wings hook together in flight, giving the appearance of only having 2. When the carpenter bee starts to turn, notice its wings separate on the right side.

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