Right in time for Mother’s Day, we have a hummingbird nest filled with two baby hummingbirds outside our upstairs front window. There is a creeping fig vine that climbs over the front door and this is the fifth time hummingbirds have nested on it.

Do you think that is the mother bird or a baby? We know from experience that it is a baby because the mother’s beak is much longer relative to her head size. As you can see, the mother bird is a bit messy about the bird droppings.
I’m afraid this isn’t the best photo. The circumstances are less than ideal to take a photo and I didn’t want to disturb the chicks in any way. The nest is incredibly tiny and very hard to spot.
Take a look around your neighborhood and see if you can locate any birds making nests. You might want to take photos and make records of what is happening to the nest over time. Always be sure to respect the birds and stay well out of their way as much as possible.
If you want more opportunities to watch birds, you can put up bird nest boxes. Take a look at Nestwatch for ideas and projects.
If you can’t find a nest to watch, check the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Nest Cams.
If you have a sensitive youngster, be aware that the owls and hawks feed their young animal prey and it shows on some of the cams.
Looking back, we have had quite a few posts about birds. Here are links to a few.
Build a Bird Nest (Human-sized)
Bird Watching and Making Nest Cards
Desert Bird Curriculum Guide
Pigeon Watching
Have fun and let us know what you see.