Tag: Seed of the Week (Page 28 of 142)

Seed of the Week: Hooker’s Evening Primrose

Our mystery seeds from last week were from a Hooker’s evening primrose, Oenothera elata subsp. hookeri.

hooker's-primrose-flower-1The first thing that catches your eye when you see this plant are the brilliant yellow flowers.

hookers-primrose-flower-and-podsYou have to be quick, however, because the flowers open in the evening and close later the next day. Because they open in the evening, their nectar is a favorite food of moths.

hookers-primrose-more-plantsHooker’s evening primroses are perennials that are native to western North America.

hookers-primrose-plantsUnlike some of their low-growing relatives, these primroses may reach four or more feet tall.

hooker's primroseHooker’s evening primroses are wonderful additions to moonlight or scent gardens because of their lovely nighttime fragrance.

Have you ever grown primroses? What do you think of them?



Mystery Seed of the Week 213

Once again, the pods may help you identify the seeds.

mystery-seed-213-seed-podsThe pods are pretty tough.

mystery-seed-213-pod-1They are often opened by birds who are trying to get at the seeds inside.

mystery-seed-213-11Inside the pods are numerous small seeds.

mystery-seeds-213-manyDo you recognize what plant these seeds are from? If you choose to, please leave a comment with your ideas.

Thanks to the volunteers at the Desert Botanical Garden who donated these for the photograph.

New mystery seeds and Seed of the Week answers are posted on Tuesdays.

Edit:  The answer is now posted.

Seed of the Week: Blue Hibiscus

Last time our seeds were from a plant from Africa, the natal plum. This week our mystery seeds are from an Australian native:  the blue hibiscus, Alyogyne huegelii.

blue-hibiscus-shrubBlue hibiscus is a large, perennial evergreen shrub that can definitely turn heads when it is flowering.


Here is Arizona it adds some bright contrast to the spring pageant of wildflowers.


The leaves are delicate, deeply lobed and covered with fine hairs.

blue hibiscus flowersAlthough called blue hibiscus, the flowers actually range in color from pink to deep purple.



What more can you say?

Blue hibiscus is easy to grow and drought tolerant. The only problem is that it can be very sensitive to some of the soil-borne fungal diseases (common in Arizona), such as Texas root rot.

Have you ever grown blue hibiscus?

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