Category: Floating and Sinking (Page 5 of 6)

Bathtub Buoyancy Challenge 1 Results

Do you remember the challenge, to propel a homemade boat across a bathtub without using your hands to touch it, batteries or electricity? We came up with more than six ways to do this. Did you come with any that we didn’t? Let us know!

1.    Wind or air movement
Probably the most obvious way to propel a boat without touching it is to use air movement or wind. We tried both creating a sail and blowing on it and also using a fan to create air. Both were effective, although somewhat slow and hard to steer.

2.    The classic balloon boat –

You may have seen instructions for these or tried out a kit. I found some available for sale on the Internet (see Resources below) or you can make your own.

Note:  Please be careful using balloons, and always have adult supervision. Children under 8 years can choke or suffocate on underinflated or broken balloons.

3.    Wind-up propeller
My son took a wind-up propeller from a balsa wood airplane and modified it to propel a flat wooden boat. The stretched rubber band creates the potential energy which is then transferred to kinetic energy. It is fast for short distances.

See the red propeller on the right, rubber band across the center and nail holding it on the left.

4.    Magnet Repulsion
Okay this one was my idea. I remembered moving train cars in a wooden train set by reversing the magnets. It works with an egg carton boat, too. I think this type of boat has the best steering once you get the hang of it.

5.    Detergent Power / Soap propulsion

You may have seen instructions for a soap boat that actually moves. We created one using a top of a Styrofoam egg carton and a squirt of dish detergent. This is not technically a chemical reaction, the movement has to do with the surface tension of the water.

6.    Chemical reactions

My dad told me that as a kid he had a boat that ran on Alka Seltzer tablets. You can also make boats propelled by baking soda and water, or vinegar.

Instructions at the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis

Good luck and I hope you try some of these. They were fun and we learned a lot too.

Resources for Further Explorations (Affiliate links to Amazon):

Balloon Powered Wooden Boat

Rubber Band Paddle Boat

Let’s Try It Out in the Water : Hands-On Early-Learning Science Activities by Seymour Simon, Nicole Fauteux, Doug Cushman (Illustrator)

Teaching Chemistry with TOYS by Jerry Sarquis, Mickey Sarquis , and John Williams

Science in Seconds with Toys: Over 100 Experiments You Can Do in Ten Minutes or Less by Jean Potter

Magnetic Boats in the Tub

Weekend Science Fun: Bathtub Buoyancy Challenge 1

Are you up for a science challenge?

The challenge is to build a “boat” that will travel on its own, via some propulsion method, from end to end in a bathtub filled with water without being touched by human hands. Measure the length of the tub and record how long it takes in seconds. Electrical motors and/or batteries are not allowed for this challenge, as water and electricity are a dangerous mix.

We came up with four different methods that worked. Let us know what you come up with and what was your best time. We’ll share results next week.


For instructions on how to make some simple boats, see the bottom of the pumpkin floating post.

Edit: Results of challenge 1

Weekend Science Fun: Why Do Apples and Pumpkins Float?

One question that has come up (pun intended) from previous posts in this blog is why do pumpkins and apples float? To answer this question, we first need to look at why things float in general.

Do you still have your bin of water? Let’s try floating a few more things.

People have been wondering why things float since olden times. According to legends the ancient Greek, Archimedes, conducted experiments to test why things float or sink. Supposedly he figured it all out while sitting in the bathtub. Our modern interpretation is called Archimedes’ Principle.  It states that a body floating in a fluid is supported (or buoyed up) by a force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces.

Let’s choose water as our fluid. Do you know how much a cubic centimeter of water weighs? How about a gallon?

A cubic centimeter of water weighs 1 gram by definition. A gallon of water (at a given temperature of 4 degrees C) weighs 8.34 pounds. So, in order to float, an item that weighs 1 gram must displace more than a cubic centimeter of water. An item that weighs 8.34 pounds must displace more than a gallon of water to float.

To test this, obtain a piece of modeling clay. Shape it into roughly a cubic centimeter. See if it will float. It will probably look something like this:


(Clay at the bottom).

Now, flatten out the same piece of clay and make a boat shape. A flat bottom with a lip around the edge works well. Place it onto the surface of the water. It should displace a lot more water this time and float. Although the weight of the clay didn’t change, the amount of water displaced did change.


Have you tried floating a can of diet soda versus a can of regular soda? Both are the same size and shape, will they both act the same when placed in water?

Here’s a silent video demonstration.

Why don’t the two identical objects act the same way? According to the box at the bottom of this How Stuff Works page, diet soda has less sweeteners added, so it actually weighs slightly less for the same volume than regular soda. Because they are both mostly water, that slight change is enough to allow diet soda to float. Cool!

Apples and pumpkins are not solid. The pumpkin has a large hollow inside. Both weigh less than the amount of water they displace, and thus they float.

Try floating pumpkin seeds. What about apple seeds? Do they float?

We found that pumpkin seeds floated, but apple seeds did not. The pumpkin seeds are flat and displace an amount of water roughly equal to their size. On the other hand, apple seeds are compact and round. They displace little water. They don’t have to be very heavy to sink.

A few years ago, our family participated in a contest to build a working boat out of cardboard. We started by investigating various boat designs and materials by floating models in a tub. We learned a lot about sinking and floating. You might want to make some paper boats and try them yourself.


Instructions to make a Classic paper boat

Another cool design for a paper boat that works well.

Edit: check out this video of a huge pumpkin made into a boat.

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