Category: Bug of the Week (Page 183 of 218)

Ant Fact Quiz

I thought I would do something quite different for bug of the week today. How about a fun quiz to learn more about ants? When you are done, you can find the answers at my new Wild About Ants blog. Hope you have fun!

Ant Fact or Fiction Quiz
How well do you know ants? Answer the following questions by selecting true or false. Better yet, stump your family and friends by giving them the quiz.

1. Some ants can explode when threatened by enemies, true or false?

2. Peony plants require ants for their buds to open into flowers, true or false?

3. All species of ants can sting, true or false?

4. Soldier ants are all males, true or false?

5. Ants can be used as stitches to close wounds, true or false?

6. Ants are silent, true or false?

7. Ants plow more soil than earthworms, true or false?

8. Scientists who study ants are called antomologists, true or false?

9. Certain types of caterpillars eat ants, true or false?

10. Ants plant the seeds of many wildflowers, including violets, true or false?

11. Ants pollinate many types of flowers, true or false?

12. Ant larvae can make silk, true or false?

yellow ant

Bug of the Week: Tiny Caterpillars

If you wondered what the insect eggs from last week’s post hatched into, here’s a peek at the tiny caterpillar. To give you a sense of scale, I placed it on a white paper towel with a human hair.

Check out how big the head capsule is in relation to its body.

This looping behavior suggests it is a cabbage looper caterpillar.

I scooped it up with a fine paintbrush and put it back on a plant when I was done. Maybe it will grow into one of these:

Insect Eggs

Insect eggs can be quite mysterious and amazing.

Unfortunately these photos don’t show well, but the eggs are covered with ridges and grooves, and sparkle with minature rainbows.

We found them attached to an acacia leaf. The next day they hatched into tiny caterpillars.

Have you ever found insect eggs? Try looking at some under a magnifying lens or microscope.

Edit: If you want to see what these eggs hatched into, check here.

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