Seed of the Week: Pyracantha

The tightly-packed black mystery seeds from last week belong to the plant commonly known as pyracantha or sometimes firethorn.

The fruit are bright red, making it a lovely plant this time of year.

Several species in the genus Pyracantha are grown as landscape plants throughout the world, but Pyracantha fortuneana is the most common species in the desert Southwest. It was originally from China.

The berries are edible, but not sweet. They can be used to make jelly, for example using this recipe.

Birds, such as the Northern mockingbird, eat the fruit as well.

Do pyracantha grow where you live?


  1. Karen

    We had a huge pyracantha bush outside our kitchen window at Nutt Road. The birds sure did love it during the winter. And it looked so nice lightly covered with snow, the red berries and green leaves peaking through!

  2. Roberta

    Pyracantha is amazing because it will grow in so many places, and it tends to be evergreen. So pretty.

  3. Jew Wishes

    What lovely redness and contrasts of colors and light.

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