Category: insects (Page 63 of 88)

Bug of the Week: Stink Bug

Spring is about to burst forth here and more insects are starting to appear again.

Take this stink bug, for example. It wandered up out of the foliage while I was watering.

How do I know it is a stink bug, family Pentatomidae? First of all, it has a wide, flat back that is shaped like an old-fashioned shield. That is why another common name for this group is “shield bug.” I know it is a bug because of the triangular-shaped piece in the middle of its back, called a scutellum.

Why are they called stink bugs? Many members of the Order Hemiptera release a distinctive odors from special glands whenever they are disturbed. Some of the odors, but not all, are unpleasant. This one never produced an odor while I was watching it.

As a group, stink bugs are unusual because some are plant feeders and others are predators of insects. How do you tell which one you have? If you are an experienced entomologist you will check the proboscis, or straw-like mouthparts. The plant feeding types have a thinner, more flexible proboscis.

The fact it is feeding on the lettuce I offered it is another big clue. 🙂

Check out the cool illustration of stink bug anatomy I found:

(It is by Giancarlodessi at Wikimedia)

A: head; B: thorax; C: abdomen.
1: claws; 2: tarsus; 3: tibia; 4: femur; 8: compound eye; 9: antenna; 10: clypeus; 23: laterotergites; 25: pronotum; 26: scutellum; 27: clavus; 28: corium; 29: embolium; 30: membrane.

(27-30 represent parts of the wing)

Stink bugs aren’t the prettiest insects in the world, but don’t you think they are more interesting once you get to know them?

Bug of the Week: Large Milkweed Bug

A few weeks ago, I reported a new (for me) species of milkweed bug.

Here are two photographs of the more familiar Large Milkweed Bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, from the archives.

Most members of the group feed on seeds, and Large Milkweed Bugs prefer the seeds of milkweeds.

They also feed on the milkweed plant when there are no seeds available. The ones in the photographs are sitting on the flower buds of a butterfly milkweed.

As you might guess from the bright red and black warning coloration, milkweed bugs take up the same toxins from milkweeds as the monarch caterpillar does. Their colors say, “Don’t eat me!”

Surprisingly, Large Milkweed Bugs are commonly used for science experiments because they are fairly easy to take care of. If you don’t have milkweed seeds, they will feed on raw sunflower seeds as well as some nuts. They also need a good source of water.


Bug of the Week: A New Milkweed Bug

You never know when you are going to find a new insect here in Arizona.

Glancing quickly, I thought the read and black bug below feeding on a desert milkweed flower was a large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus.

But looking again, I realized it had two black bars across the center of the body, rather than one wide one.

This is an adult Oncopeltus cayensis. I don’t think it has a common name. Check out the sucking mouthparts it is using to feed on the flower.

Have you ever found something new when you took a second look?

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