Category: Science Books (Page 58 of 87)

Giveaway Contest: Gardening Lab for Kids

We have a lot of news today:

The good news this week is that the weather in many areas has begun to warm up. With the arrival of spring,  you may be thinking of gardening with children. The better news is Quarry Books has published Gardening Lab for Kids: 52 Fun Experiments to Learn, Grow, Harvest, Make, Play, and Enjoy Your Garden (Hands-On Family) by Renata Fossen Brown this month and it is just the book to have on hand to add enjoyment and depth to a child’s gardening experience. The best news is that you have a chance to win a copy through our giveaway contest (see below)!

Before going any further, it is important to note that although the term “experiments” in the subtitle might suggest scientific trials or investigations, for this book “experiment” is actually used more in the sense of “to try something new.”  Gardening Lab for Kids is a lovely collection of hands-on activities for children to do for every week of the year, from designing a garden and making seed tape, to planting a garden in a shoe, growing a pizza garden, and constructing a wind chime. In addition, children will certainly learn some science as they explore parts of plants, investigate soils, try out composting, and learn about watering.

Renata Fossen Brown is Vice President of Education at the Cleveland Botanical Garden, and her experience and resources show in the quality of the book. Each “Lab” is accompanied by color photographs of children doing the activity, a list of materials, step-by-step procedures written for children, and suggestions for extensions (“Dig Deeper!”) Each activity is designed so that it could stand alone or be used as a series. Many of the activities can be done with limited space and use readily-available materials.

Gardening is a wonderful hobby for children because, as Brown writes, it gets them active and outdoors. It has many benefits, such as it helps children connect with their food, learn about nature, and explore their creativity. Gardening is an especially good project for kinesthetic learners, who always reap extra rewards from hands-on activities. Brown also alludes to studies that have shown that getting outdoors helps children develop focus.

With all the benefits, are you ready to “try something new” and do some gardening?  Gardening Lab for Kids has the ideas and instructions to get started today!

leaf-borderGiveaway Contest

Would you like to try to win a copy of Gardening Lab for Kids? Simply leave a comment on this blog post with a valid e-mail address (U.S. mailing addresses only, please) by May 5, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. A single winner will be selected at random from the comments and notified via e-mail. The giveaway contest is now closed.


Age Range: 5 – 12 years
Grade Level: Kindergarten – 6
Series: Hands-On Family
Paperback: 136 pages
Publisher: Quarry Books (April 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1592539041
ISBN-13: 978-1592539048

For more ideas, visit our Gardening/Science Activities for Kids Pinterest board and our recent posts for Children’s Garden Week.


Disclosures: This book was provided for review by the publisher. Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon, and if you click through the linked titles or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.

If you are interested in children’s nonfiction, you might want to visit the Nonfiction Monday blog and see what other new books bloggers have found.


North Carolina’s Amazing Coast

I don’t know why, but I have been in the mood to go to the beach. Although taking a trip is unrealistic right now, I did find the next best thing, which is the book North Carolina’s Amazing Coast: Natural Wonders from Alligators to Zoeas by David Bryant, George Davidson, Terri Kirby Hathaway, and Kathleen Angione, and 
illustrated by Charlotte Ingram.

Inside are 100 single-page “fact sheets” that explore the plants and animals of the beaches, marshes, and ocean along the North Carolina coast. The informative pages cover organisms ranging from one-celled plankton to giant northern right whales, each listed in alphabetical order by common name. There are red wolves in North Carolina? Who knew?

The text is delightful, packing numerous interesting facts into a few short paragraphs. Each has its share of cleverly-written, humorous snippets. For example, noting that nutria were originally brought to North America from South America for the fur trade, the authors quip, “…they have spread more readily as varmints than garments…”

Isn’t the cover eye-catching? Illustrator Charlotte Ingram’s former career as a graphic designer is evident on every page, from the tastefully decorative fonts to the clean, crisp full-color illustrations. Each organism is displayed against a simple graphic of the North Carolina coast.

The most amazing thing about North Carolina’s Amazing Coast is that it is not just for children, and not just for people from North Carolina, it is enthralling reading for everyone interested in nature! Of course, if you are headed to the beaches of North Carolina, it is a must have. Otherwise, it will definitely make you want to plan a trip there in the future.

Related lessons about oceans and coastlines:

This book came about to accompany an elementary curriculum from the Center of Ocean Studies Educational-Excellence Southeast and there are a quite a number of related lessons available online.

1. Curriculum to accompany Georgia’s Amazing Coast

The Teacher Tools at Georgia Sea Grant includes many lessons to download, including:

Grades K-8 Curriculum:

Georgia’s Amazing Coast Lesson Plans: Grades 3-5
  • Marine Debris and Me: Grades 4-8
  • Mountains to Sea: The Journey of Sand: Grade 3

Roger Day’s Marsh Madness: Pre-K Curriculum through Grade 4 Curriculum

From Mountains to Sea: The Journey of Sand by Rachael Grabowski
Grades 9-12 Curriculum with topics like:

Mercury Pollution: Source to System: Grades 9-12
  • Products, Organisms, and Our Environment: Grades 11-12 (classroom powerpoint presentation)
  • Remote Sensing, Impervious Surfaces & the Salt Marsh: Grades 9-12 (classroom powerpoint presentation)

as  well as numerous guides and worksheets.

For South Carolina shores, try Sea Seekers, for 12 downloadable lessons (direct link), as well as a whole list at COSEE SouthEast Creature Features.

Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: University of Georgia Press (May 1, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0820345105
ISBN-13: 978-0820345109

You might also be interested in an older title by the same team, Georgia’s Amazing Coast: Natural Wonders from Alligators to Zoeas by David Bryant, George D. Davidson, and illustrated by Charlotte Ingram.
University of Georgia Press (September 8, 2003)


Disclosures:  This book was provided for review by the publisher. Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon, and if you click through the linked titles or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.


Come visit the STEM Friday blog each week to find more great Science, Technology, Engineering and Math books.

Feathers: Not Just for Flying

Today we have another fabulous new children’s STEM picture book, Feathers: Not Just for Flying by Melissa Stewart and illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen.


What is there to learn about bird feathers? It turns out there is a wealth of information. You might already be familiar with how feathers help birds fly or how they keep water birds dry, but Melissa Stewart has found at least 16 different ways birds use their feathers. To make it easy for children to relate to and remember, she compares the uses to common human-made objects with similar purposes, like sunscreen and jewelry. The text with dual-layer format, with the easy-to-read main text in a large font, and sidebars on each page to fill in the informational details.


In the style of a nature journal, the watercolor illustrations look like you should be able to pluck them from the page. Nature lovers are going to want this for the illustrations alone.

It is time to think deeply about feathers with Feathers: Not Just for Flying. It would be a perfect gift for budding ornithologists, as well as a must have for a unit on birds.

Activities to extend Feathers:

Important Note: Although this book is likely to encourage you to observe feathers more closely, be aware that it is illegal to collect/possess bird feathers from most birds in the United States. The Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center (part of the USGS) has an explanation of the rules. You may, however, collect or purchase feathers from domestic birds, such as chickens and guinea fowl. If you are looking for feathers to use with a unit on birds, try craft supply stores.

 1. Author’s Activities

Be sure to check out the Melissa Stewart’s webpage for activities, as well as the story of how the book came about. The links in the right sidebar of her page will take you to:

  • Readers Theater (a play to read aloud)
  • Storytime Guide
  • Teacher’s Guide (with Common Core standards)
  • Migration Math Activity
  • Draw a Bird Activity
  • Similes video mini-lesson

2. Learning about feathers


When we see a feather on the ground, it often looks like this. These are the wing and tail feathers that help the bird fly. For the most part they are smooth, with the individual parts (barbs) hooked together in a single layer.


Other times you may spot shorter feathers with a fuzzy appearance. These are likely semiplume or down feathers, which are involved in keeping the bird warm. The barbs are not locked together.


Some birds, like this mockingbird, also have feathers that are bristles. These may act like eyelashes or a cat’s whiskers, helping the bird sense its environment or keep away pests.

To explore feathers:


  • Some chicken, duck or guinea fowl feathers -available from craft supply stores. Try to find a mix of as natural-looking feathers as possible
  • Magnifying lens
  • Scissors

First let the children free explore a few of the feathers. Ask them to use their senses. Are the feathers heavy or light? Are they soft or hard? What do they smell like? Do the feathers make any sounds? (Some do.) What colors are the feathers?

Now investigate the structure of the feather.

Parts_of_featherThis illustration from Wikimedia can help us learn some feather vocabulary.

Parts of a contour (body) feather:
1.    Vane
2.    Rachis
3.    Barb
4.    Afterfeather
5.    Hollow shaft, Calamus

Point out the harder part in the center, the rachis, and the branching barbs. See if the children can pull apart the barbs of a contour or flight feather with their fingers. Can they “zip” the barbs back together again?

Have the children look at the barbs with a magnifying lens. Can they see the tiny hooks, called barbules, that help keep the barbs zipped together? Now look at the fluffy afterfeather at the bottom. Does that have barbules? (Down feathers lack the barbules, which is why they don’t lie flat).

Point out that birds need to be a light as possible to fly easily. Are feathers heavy? Use the scissors to cut through the rachis of a feather. Is it solid inside? Feathers are even lighter because the center of the rachis is hollow.

3. Bird craft

Now use the feathers to make a simple bird.

bird craft closer


  • Feathers (from previous activity)
  • Craft Pom Poms – 2 different sizes for head and body (at least one pair for each participant)
  • White glue
  • Chenille or bit of felt for beak
  • Fishing line (optional)
  • Scissors

Note:  white glue is slow to dry. Be prepared to set things aside for a few minutes between steps for best results or have an adult assemble using a hot melt glue gun.

1. Provide 2 craft pom poms for each child, a smaller one to serve as the head and a larger one to serve as the body. Have the children glue the head to the body with white glue and then set aside for a moment.

2. Now have the children choose feathers to serve as the wings and tail. Two smaller feathers of roughly the same size look good as wings and one longer feather serves as a tail. Clip a bit of chenille to fold into a beak or cut a wedge-shaped bit of felt to serve as a beak.

3. When the head/body poms poms are set enough to work with again, place white glue on the shaft of one feather chosen to serve as a wing and insert into the “body.” Repeat with other feathers chosen to serve as the other wing and tail. Once again, you may want to place the growing bird aside to set up for a few minutes while you cut the fishing line. Then glue the beak to the head.

4. Optional:  Cut a section of fishing line about two feet long. Tie one end of the the line in a loop around the body. Allow the bird to dry completely and then the child may “fly” it. Tie to pole or similar object for a bird mobile.

bird craft flying

4. Start a nature journal/scrapbook

The format of this book is sure to inspire children to want to start a nature journal or scrapbook. Encourage children to record their findings by drawing, taking photographs, and writing down their observations.

Check our Nature Journal post for more details.

Edit: Anna also has a post about The Feather Atlas, which is a place to identify feathers, too.


Doing a unit on birds? We also have a list of books for young birdwatchers at Science Books for Kids.



Feathers: Not Just for Flying by Melissa Stewart and illustrated by Sarah S. Brannen

Age Range: 6 – 9 years
Grade Level: 1 – 4
Hardcover: 32 pages
Publisher: Charlesbridge (February 25, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1580894305
ISBN-13: 978-1580894302

If you become very interested in feathers, here’s an adult level identification guide:

Bird Feathers: A Guide to North American Species
by S. David Scott and Casey McFarland

Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Stackpole Books (September 3, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0811736180
ISBN-13: 978-0811736183


Disclosures: This children’s book was provided for review by the publisher. Also, I am an affiliate for Amazon, and if you click through the linked titles or ads and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Proceeds will be used to maintain this self-hosted blog.


Come visit the STEM Friday blog each week to find more great Science, Technology, Engineering and Math books.

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