Category: Seed of the Week (Page 129 of 167)

Seed of the Week: African Daisy

The pretty seeds from last week’s mystery

grow into into pretty flowers.

African daisies, Dimorphotheca aurantiaca, are annuals that were originally from South Africa. but are now grown throughout the Southwest.

The flowers vary in color from orange to yellow to almost white.  They are very easy to grow, and once you plant them, they readily reseed and spread.

And that’s the problem. If African daisies escape from urban landscapes, they can grow wild, crowding out native plants and interfering with natural habitats.

We are slowly converting our patch into native species like desert marigolds, poppies and penstemons by pulling the flowers before they set seed. It is a tedious process, but we are making progress.

By the way, there are also a couple of other species of flowers that go by the common name African daisy.

For more information about this species, see the Arizona Master Gardener website.

Have you ever seen an African daisy?

Mystery Seed of the Week 62

Our seeds this week come from a plant that is not native and is considered to be invasive. We planted some in our yard before we knew that.

Here is the seed head.

The seeds are knocked off as they mature.

Aren’t the seeds interesting? Any ideas what they might be?

Edit:  The answer is now posted.

Seed of the Week: Chinese Elm

Our mystery seeds from last week came from a Chinese elm tree, Ulmus parvifolia.

Because most of our American elms were destroyed by Dutch elm disease, people have started planting Chinese elms, which as the name suggests are originally from Asia. It is much more resistant to the Dutch elm disease.

Chinese elms produce numerous winged seeds, technically samara, in the fall. The samara are dispersed by the wind when they mature.

The seeds readily germinate in the spring. First, the root emerges.

The seed coat slides off, exposing the green, round cotyledons.

If the seed is in a suitable place to grow, the cotyledons emerge from the soil. Between them the first two true leaves begin to grow.

The little trees are all ready to take off. We have Chinese elm seedlings everywhere!

The leaves are simple (not compound), with teeth around the edges.

The mature tree is often grown in parks here in Arizona. It has a pleasant fan-shaped crown, and the branches drape nicely.

The most striking feature of the Chinese elm tree is the mottled and peeling bark. It often shows orange underneath.

Unfortunately I had on the wrong lens, so this photograph isn’t the best presentation of the full-sized tree.

Because of their unusual bark, and also probably because they produce seedlings so easily, Chinese elms are often used for bonsai.

It will be interesting to see how the Chinese elms fare as landscape trees over time. They definitely have good qualities, and less desirable qualities, as well.

Have you ever seen a Chinese elm? What do you think of them?

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