Category: Seed of the Week (Page 7 of 167)

Seed of the Week: Thyme

Our tiny mystery seeds from last week were from thyme, Thymus sp.


Thyme is a small, evergreen perennial plant with tiny delicate leaves, which grows to only about 12 inches tall. It has been selected from wild plants originally found in southern Europe.


Belonging to the mint family (it has square stems), selection has led to many different varieties.  General forms are common thyme, lemon thyme, caraway thyme and wild thyme.

Thymus_vulgaris(Public domain illustration from Franz Eugen Köhler, Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen, Wikimedia)

The tiny white, pink or lilac-colored flowers attract bees.

Thyme is an herb that is used in cooking, either fresh or dried. It tends to have a powerful flavor, so use it sparingly. One advantage is that it has such small leaves it doesn’t require much mincing.

 Do you grow thyme? What is your favorite recipe for using it?

Mystery Seed of the Week 249


We’ve talked before about how size of seeds and size of plants are not usually related.


Small seeds can grow into large plants and vice versa.


Today’s tiny seeds, however, do grow into a delicate little plant (the white object is a rice grain added for scale).

Do you recognize what plant these seeds are from? If you choose to, please leave a comment with your ideas.

Mystery Seed answers and new Mystery Seeds are posted on Tuesdays.

Edit:  The answer is now posted.

Seed of the Week: Statice or Sea Lavender

Our mystery seeds last week were from Pacific statice, Limonium sinuatum.

(Photograph is an affiliate link to Amazon.)


Pacific statice is usually grown as an annual from seed.

Here in Arizona, we are more likely to see the Limonium perezii, commonly called Perez’s sea lavender.


The flowers still consist of the colored, papery calyx surrounding the white corolla.


For this perennial plant, a spray of flowers grows in a cluster on a stalk well above the leaves (botanically, a “branched panicle”). The stems are more delicate, in contrast to the stems for Pacific statice, which are thicker and have winged side structures.


The broad leaves form a low-growing clump.

 statice-plant-_0173Originally from the Canary Islands, these plants are quite drought tolerant and can withstand Arizona’s intense sun. Perez’s sea lavender plants are frost sensitive, however, and can only be grown as an annual in colder areas.

Statice/sea lavender flowers are prized for their usefulness in cut and dried flower arrangements.

Have you ever grown statice/sea lavender? What has your experience been?

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