Tag: bees (Page 5 of 5)

What a Bee Sees

When I saw the little bee checking out me and my camera, I wondered what he saw. I did a little looking around the Internet and found a cool website by Andy Giger that gives our best guess for what a bee sees when it looks at an object. Since he says the images are available for downloading, here is what the bee might see when it looks at my face.

The images are black and white because bees see color differently than we do. They do not see red (one reason so many bird flowers are red) and they see colors in the ultraviolet range which we can’t see. If I was wearing red lipstick, the bee would have probably seen something closer to black or dark gray.bee eye view

What is Buzzing in My Garden?

bee in airThis morning I took a few minutes from my daily grind to take a few photographs. The garden is in full bloom and a loud buzzing attracted me to the side garden. Here is what I found. Do you know what it is?

This tiny bee is known as a digger bee. The flower it is visiting is a penstemon. Digger bees are fun to watch because they are cute and furry. This one was definitely aware of me. It came over and checked me out a couple of times. I wonder what I looked like to it?

If you are interested in bees, you should check out my lesson plans titled “Africanized Honey Bees on the Move.” Some of the lessons have information about solitary bees such as this one.

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