Category: insects (Page 78 of 88)

Bug of the Week: Seed Beetles

Ever wondered what makes holes in mesquite pods like these?


Here’s a hint:


See those tiny beige beetles feeding on the screwbean mesquite flowers?


Those are seed beetles. Other common names are pea or bean weevils, although they aren’t really weevils.

When I was in college we called them bruchids, because they belonged to the family Bruchidae. Now they have been moved to the leaf beetle family (Chrysomelidae) and are in the subfamily bruchinae. (Source: BugGuide)

The adult beetles lay their eggs in seeds, often of legumes like mesquite. The larvae are tiny grubs that feed inside the seeds. The larvae pupate, and when the time and conditions are right, the adult beetles chew out leaving a neat round exit hole.


Seed beetles are useful laboratory animals because they require little care.

For example, check out this animal behavior experiment on the movement of seed beetles that investigates whether seed beetles prefer to move horizontally or vertically.

Who knows where studying a tiny beetle can lead…

Bug of the Week: Black Soldier Fly

Adding a compost heap to your yard can have many unintended benefits. First there was the female hummingbird hovering over it catching food for her babies. Now we’ve met a new insect.


At first glance these large insects may look like wasps. They mimic wasps so that other critters will leave them alone, but they are totally harmless. This one is sitting on my son’s arm.


Turns out these are adult black soldier flies, Hermetia illucens. The larvae (or maggots as fly larvae are called) feed on decomposing stuff in cold compost heaps.


The black soldier fly adults have white “feet” and really cool eyes.

The larvae pupate in the soil around the compost bin. The birds absolutely love to eat them!


A quick Internet search revealed that black soldier flies are now being used either with, or instead of, red worms in worm bins.

The Black Soldier Fly Blog tells you all about how to use them (now there’s a blog niche I would never have thought of).

They are also used for feeding reptiles in the pet trade.

Beneficial insects, bird food, and less waste going to the landfill – who knew a compost heap would be such a useful addition?

Do you have a compost heap or worm bin? Have you ever seen these flies?

Bug of the Week: Cicada Wasp

The cicadas showed up a week or so late this year. They usually are singing by Father’s Day.


But now they are out in full force, buzzing happily.

On Monday, I saw my first one of these.


Even though it is far away, you can tell it is a big wasp.

What does it have to do with cicadas?


This is the Western cicada killer wasp, Sphecius grandis. They catch and sting cicadas. The female wasp carries the cicada to a nest she dug in the ground. The wasp lays an egg on the cicada, which will hatch into a larva. The larva uses the cicada as breakfast, lunch and dinner for several weeks. After pupating, the wasp remains underground until the cicadas emerge next year.

Here’s a video of a wasp carrying a cicada, looking for her nest. The person who took the video thinks the nest may have been covered over by construction materials. You can see her clean her antennae and do orientation flights, so that may very well be the case.

Notice this wasp is a darker color because it is another species.

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