Did you guess which of the two beetles were lady beetles from Wednesday’s Bug of the Week?
If you guessed both, then you are a lady beetle pro!
The bottom photograph in Wednesday’s post is our common convergent lady beetle, Hippodamia convergens, the type of lady beetle often sold in stores.
Lady beetles come in a number of colors besides orange with black spots, however, including this black with rusty-colored spots.
This is a cutie called the ashy-gray lady beetle, Olla v-nigrum. Why is it called ashy-gray? Because the same species comes in another color morph that looks like this:
Yes, not only are these both lady beetles, they are also both the same species!
Have you seen any lady beetles this month?
do they bite?
Lady bugs do have tiny jaws and are capable of a pinching bite. It isn’t dangerous because they don’t have any toxins nor stinger, but it can surprise someone who isn’t expecting it.