Category: Fungi (Page 2 of 2)

Weekend Science Fun: Yeast

After reading yet another children’s book that identified yeast as a type of plant – an archaic classification, they are really fungi – it’s time to investigate these helpful organisms.

1. First of all, how do scientists know yeast are fungi and not plants? Obtain some baking yeast from a store. Carefully open the packet or jar and look inside. Have some plant seeds handy for comparison.

Consider the characteristics of plants:

  • They are multi-celled organisms that obtain their energy from photosynthesis.
  • They are green and contain chlorophyll.
  • They grow from seeds.

In contrast, fungi:

  • are organisms that obtain their energy from food digested externally.
  • They are not green, and do not contain chlorophyll.
  • They contain chitin, a protein found in animals.
  • Make more of themselves via spores or budding.

What color are the yeast particles in the yeast package? Are they green like plants? Even though they are not green, they still might be seeds. How would you tell? What happens when you add water to a seed? It swells up and over time, say a week or so, a small plant emerges.yeast

Try adding a teaspoon of yeast to 1/4 cup of warm water. What happens? Now add a little sugar, to serve as an energy source. What happens? What would happen if these were seeds of a plant?

Note:  Yeast organisms are actually unicellular and would be impossible to see without a microscope, so the baking yeast you examine is a processed form containing many cells.

2. Although we humans use yeast for baking or making beverages, in nature yeast are decomposers. Test the ability of yeasts to decompose common food stuffs. Gather:

  • banana (apples or bread will work too).
  • plastic bags
  • yeast

Cut the banana in half crosswise. Sprinkle 1 tsp of yeast onto one half piece of banana, and then place each half banana into separate bags. Close the bag, and leave them in a warm, dry place. Compare what happens in the banana half treated with yeast and the banana half not treated. Return twice a day and record the appearance of each half over a few days. Would the experiment be less valid if you treated one whole banana and left one whole banana untreated? Why or why not?

Compare the rates of decay to bread and apples treated with yeast to untreated samples. Interesting fact:  fruit flies don’t eat fruit as larvae, but the yeasts that grow on fruit.


  • See our previous post about blowing up a balloon with yeast. You can substitute a few Tablespoons of granulated sugar for the molasses in the experiment.
  • Also our previous post on Fungi

Meet a Scientist Monday: Mycologists

Do you know what a mycologist does? Let me give you a hint. Think mushrooms, yeast and molds. Yes, a mycologist is a scientist who studies fungi.


Today we are going to visit the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois and meet two men who are mycologists.

Dr. Greg Mueller was the Curator of Fungi and Chair of the Department of Botany at the Field Museum. He studied the relationships of fungi and trees throughout the world, including Costa Rica and China. Dr. Mueller found that certain fungi increase a tree’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. Understanding how these fungi partner with trees to help them grow allows for the development of more effective reforestation techniques, or conservation practices in the case of undisturbed forests.

How did he become a mycologist? He said he was always interested in nature, and chose mycology after he met an influential professor at college.

Dr. Patrick R. Leacock was a research associate at the Field Museum. He also had an interest in nature as a child. He was introduced to mycology when he joined a mushroom club. Many areas have clubs of people interested in learning more about mushrooms, particularly edible ones. He then went on to get his PhD.

One of his jobs at the Field Museum was to identify mushrooms for the Illinois Poison Center when someone has eaten a mushroom that they shouldn’t have.

Does anyone you know have an interest in fungi?

A Fungus Among Us

The cool, wet weather we have been having has brought out some cool mushrooms.

(Photograph by Karen Gibson used with permission)

Quick, are mushrooms plants or animals?

If you say neither plants nor animals, then you know your stuff. Mushrooms were once thought to be plants, but mushrooms don’t make their own food. Modern investigations have shown them to be more closely related to animals. For instance, mushrooms have the protein chitin, which is also found in insects. But mushrooms aren’t animals either. For example, they don’t run around like animals do. In fact mushrooms are so distinct, they are now given their own Kingdom, the Fungi.

What kinds of organisms belong to the Kingdom Fungi? Most people recognize that mushrooms are fungi.

In addition, yeasts and truffles, molds, mildew and also disease-causing parasites of insects are fungi. Lichens, which grow on rocks in a variety of climates, are a mix of fungi and algae growing together.

Fungi range in size from microscopic to quite possibly the largest organism on earth. Scientists are making the case that a giant fungus found growing in the Malheur National Forest in Oregon could be the world’s largest individual organism, because it covers some 2200 acres. Information is still being gathered, and because much of the fungus is hidden from view, it also could be made up of clusters of individuals.

The mushroom that we see is called a fruiting body. The fruiting body is like the flowers of a plant because it is how how a fungus makes more of itself or reproduces. The rest of the fungus is made up of threadlike strands called hyphae which form a mat called the mycelium. The mycelium is often hidden within the tree or soil and may grow for years unseen by humans.

If the mushrooms are like flowers, then where are the seeds? It turns out that fungi grow from tiny particles called spores. If you have ever found a mature puffball and stepped on it, the smoky clouds that come out are the spores being released into the air.

(Photograph by Sheila Brown

Here is a picture of a puffball, if you have never seen one.

When the spores land on an appropriate surface, they produce strands called hyphae and then mycelia to develop into a new fungus.


1. Fungi as Food

Explore edible mushrooms by visiting a grocery store to see all the different kinds that are available. We found shiitake, oysters, white, brown and portabellas. Discuss how the types are similar and different (some kinds sold under different names are the same species, simply more or less mature versions.)

You might want to buy a few different mushrooms, and try the different flavors in your favorite recipes. You could also pick up some yeast — another fungus– and make bread with it. Show the yeast to your children and let them smell it. By the way, there is nothing better than white mushrooms sautéed in butter made into a sandwich between two slices of freshly made bread.

Caution about wild mushrooms:  Because some species of wild mushrooms can be poisonous and make you sick, it is best to leave collecting to real experts. Some of the poisonous ones can closely resemble edible ones.

2. Make Spore Prints

If you don’t want to eat the mushrooms, use a few different kinds of mushrooms from the grocery store to make spore prints. Try to find older mushrooms already producing the brown powdery spores. Young mushrooms with pink gills or button mushrooms aren’t ready to make spores yet.

Place the mushroom with the frilly gill side against some white paper and then cover it with a glass or bowl. (You’ll have to remove the stem first). Leave for a few hours or overnight. If the mushroom is producing spores, it should leave a print when you gently lift it away.

Scientists who study fungi, called mycologists, use spore prints to help figure out what species they have found.



We have a newer post about yeast with activities.

If you have the time, growing mushrooms from a kit can be an amazing experience for kids. Kits are available with different types of mushrooms, at varying sizes and costs. They usually require certain conditions for optimal growth, so make sure you can provide that. Check the Internet for sources.

Interested in learning more? Check our growing list of children’s books about fungi at Science Books for Kids.



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