Category: insects (Page 33 of 88)

Bug of the Week: A Praying Mantis, A Paper Wasp, and a Fly, Oh My!

Nature can be full of drama.

For example:

full-praying-mantis-and-paper-waspWe’ve had a Mediterranean mantis,  Iris oratoria, on the rush milkweeds for a few weeks. Today it caught a paper wasp, Polistes flavus.

praying-mantis-feeding-on-paper-wasp-364You can see the wasp better in this view.

praying-mantis-removing-wasp-wing-0348At one point the mantis removed the wasp’s wing and dropped it. Wings apparently aren’t edible.

praying-mantis-wasp-fly-cool334Soon another insect joined the party.

praying-mantis-fly-on-head-0343A tiny black fly began walking on the wasp and mantis.

mantis-flyIt might seem like the fly was incidental, but it isn’t. Small black flies of the family Milichiidae are known to steal food from predatory insects and spiders. It is a behavior known as kleptoparasitism.

Being a freeloader that steals food from a predatory insect seems like it might be a dangerous lifestyle, but the mantis seems occupied with the wasp and is not reacting to the fly.

See more about the flies at Milichiddae Online and What’s That Bug?

Have you ever spotted a freeloader fly?

Bug of the Week: Cicada Hunter Wasp

This wasp might not look that spectacular.

cicada-killer-wasp-023Especially while it is drinking nectar from an Arizona grape ivy flower.

cicada-killer-wasp-024You might rethink that assessment, however, when you realize this wasp is capable of capturing and carrying away a full grown cicada. Given how large a cicada is, that’s pretty impressive!


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