Category: Seed of the Week (Page 8 of 167)

Mystery Seed of the Week 248


The variety and beauty of seeds is so amazing.


Maybe not so much from afar…


but definitely when you get close up. (The white object is a rice grain added for scale).

Do you recognize what plant these seeds are from? If you choose to, please leave a comment with your ideas.

Mystery Seed answers and new Mystery Seeds are posted on Tuesdays.

Edit:  The answer is now posted.

Seed of the Week: Anacacho Orchid Tree

Our mystery seeds from last week were very tricky.

mystery-seeds-247-2(The white object is a rice grain added for scale.)

First of all, they were from a legume, which have seeds that all seem to look alike. Secondly, they were from a type of orchid tree, the Anacacho orchid tree, Bauhinia lunarioides. We had just done another member of the same genus last week, so you probably wouldn’t have guessed that. Thirdly, the Anacacho orchid tree is somewhat rare and has a limited distribution, which is actually what made it interesting.

I promise the next mystery seed will be more straightforward.

anacacho-orchid-flowerLike the orchid trees from last week, this one has clusters of unusually-shaped flowers at the end of the branches. Unlike the Asian orchid trees, however, the Anacacho orchid tree is from North America, specifically Texas and northern Mexico.

Anacacho orchid tree-flower-02

The flower parts are also different from the Asian orchid trees. Do you remember the long stamens and stigma? The Anacacho orchid tree flower has one stigma and apparently only one stamen per flower. Can you see them in the photo above? It makes one wonder how it is pollinated.


The leaves also have a distinctive shape. Each leaf has two leaflets, making it look like it is split in half. The Asian orchid trees have a bi-lobed leaf.

Anacacho orchid tree-seed-pod014

The fruit is a flat pod that contains the seeds.

Anacacho orchid trees grow as large shrubs or small trees. They can sometimes be found for purchase at specialty nurseries in southwestern North America. They can also be grown from seed, although scarification may be necessary.

Have you ever seen an Anacacho orchid tree growing? What did you think of it?

Mystery Seed of the Week 247


Our mystery seeds today are from another small tree.

mystery-seeds-247-2When you figure out what they are, you may think I was trying to be tricky.


Nope, I just happened to find them this week and timing is everything. (The white object is a rice grain added for scale).

Do you recognize what plant these seeds are from? If you choose to, please leave a comment with your ideas.

Mystery Seed answers and new Mystery Seeds are posted on Tuesdays.

Edit:  The answer is now posted.

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